The Journal of Scientific Research of the Banaras Hindu University (JSR-BHU) is a more than 50 years old journal published by Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. The JSR-BHU mainly publishes original articles, reviews, case studies, short notes, and scientific letters from all branches of science. The contributions of interdisciplinary nature are highly encouraged for soliciting a wide spectrum readership of our journal.
The JSR-BHU is a double-blind peer reviewed journal means both the author and peer reviewers are not aware of each other’s identity.
The JSR-BHU is a free journal means it does not charge any article submission, processing and publication fees.
The JSR-BHU is an open access journal and publishing with this makes your work freely available online for everyone, immediately upon publication, and our high-level peer-review and production processes guarantee the quality and reliability of the work.
The JSR-BHU had published two issues in a year before January 2021. The JSR-BHU publishes four issues in a year since January 2021 onward.
The JSR-BHU has also started publishing high quality Special Issues since 2020. The proposal to publish Special issues are accepted on the basis of quality and are therefore required to meet certain criteria, including guest editors' experties, quality of the papers, relevance to an international audience, and covering highly cited or timely topics. The JSR-BHU accepts Special Issues in all topics of fundamental/applied research in all branches of the theory and practice of pure and Applied Sciences. Experts from the academics and industries are most welcomed to submit proposal for the Special Issue to the Executive Editor of the JSR-BHU.